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by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child
Warner Books, July 2003
435 pages
ISBN: 0446531421

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Medicine Creek Kansas. August. Turkey buzzards circling over a cornfield. Sheriff Dent Hazen figures another critter wandered into the Buswell Agricon field and died, but he has to investigate. He finds a body arranged in the center of a circle cut in the field. Around the body is a circle of crows impaled on spears. The State Police get there and take over, trampling on evidence and generally making a nuisance of themselves,until finally, one of them comes to Dent and shows him that the body is 12' within the township, so the crime is in the Sheriff's jurisdiction. He starts giving orders to the Staties.

The next day, while The sheriff is giving a press conference in front of his office, a tall thin fairhaired men, dressed in a black suit, gets off the bus at the stop across the street. The stranger goes up to the sheriff and suggest that the press conference should be ended because he had something that the sheriff would want to hear immediately.

FBI Special Agent Pendergast, the stranger with the southern accent, rents the whole top floor of Miss Krause's house, the only place in town for visitors to stay, and goes to the crime scene and finds evidence that had been missed by the state police. The crows had been crushed to mush and speared on antique Cheyenne arrowheads. The print of a large naked foot can be seen in the sand at the edge of the cornfield.

Corrie Swanson, a young Goth, shunned by most of the townspeople, whose mother is an alcoholic prostitute, is hired by Pendergast as his driver and assistant. Carrie can't figure out what Pendergast wants from her, but he really only wants someone who knows the town to drive him around.

This entry is a little more playful than the previous Lincoln and Child's previous works. There's an homage to Jack Finney's TIME AND AGAIN and the book that Corrie is reading is THE ICE LIMIT by Douglas Preston and Lincoln Child. This is the 4th book in which agent Pendergast appears. I look forward to the next.

Reviewed by Barbara Franchi, July 2003

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