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by Elizabeth Bright
Signet, December 2006
240 pages
ISBN: 0451220005

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Family surrounds Jennifer Shane in Rebel Forge, Virginia where her brother Bradford is the local sheriff. She owns a card-making shop just a stone's throw away from her sister, Sara Lynn's scrapbook-making store. She works with her aunt Lillian, an older woman with a happy history of numerous ex-husbands and good financial investments.

On the night of the local chamber of commerce business awards banquet, Jen and Lillian are all dressed up and ready to go. They are hoping that Sara Lynn will finally get the award this year, but instead they are saddened to find out that Sara Lynn's husband has been having an affair with the President of the Chamber of Commerce, Eliza Glade.

The people in town almost universally dislike Eliza and she and Sara Lynn have been enemies for years. Jen and Lillian can't believe that Sara Lynn's husband could have an affair – and with Eliza Glade of all people. Sara Lynn insists that they go to the banquet anyway. She refuses to act as if she has anything to be ashamed of.

The banquet hall is tense as everyone there hears about the infidelity, but the sisters keep their dignity. Just as the award is announced and Jen's name is mentioned as the unlikely winner, a cry goes out that Eliza Glade has been found stabbed.

From the first moment, even though their brother Bradford is the sheriff, Sara Lynn is thought of as the prime suspect in the murder. But Jen is certain that, with the help of her aunt, she can find the real killer. As she investigates, her life is put into jeopardy, bullets fly past her and her recently vacated apartment is burned to the ground, but that just makes Jen more determined to find the killer and bring him – or her – to justice!

MURDER AND SALUTATIONS is a wonderful cozy. There's no unpleasant profanity or sex in these books, and the violence happens off page. The main character is very human and likable and wonderful family and friends surround her. The connections between the characters, both pleasant and difficult, make the book ring true.

Card making is a great new hobby and the readers get to learn about it as Jen gives us tips on how to make our own cards. Even though I didn't have a yen to make my own when I started the story, this book makes the hobby sound like it would be a worthwhile endeavor.

The solution to the crime is satisfying because there were so many good suspects, all with solid reasons to bump Eliza Glade off. I enjoyed the chase. MURDER AND SALUTATIONS is the latest in this series, but it stands well on its own. Reading this book is a wonderful way to spend an afternoon.

Reviewed by A. L. Katz, January 2007

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