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by Beth Lordan
William Morrow, December 2003
288 pages
ISBN: 0060530367

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Lyle and Mary Sullivan have lived in the United States their entire married lives. Their two sons, Kevin and Jimmy, are thoroughly American. Lyle was born in Ireland but his mother moved the family to America when he was very young and he has never really considered himself Irish. But Mary misses her childhood home in Ireland where her family still reside.

After Lyle retires, Mary says that she would like to move back to her home town because she misses her sister and family. Lyle agrees and even though they are both in their sixties they move to Galway, Ireland.

They buy a small house with just enough space for the two of them and an extra room for their sons, if they ever want to visit. Lyle spends his time tending the small garden and taking long walks while Mary keeps herself busy with her sister and caring for their home.

Even though the couple love each other dearly they soon get on each other's nerves. Lyle is a very opinionated man who argues about everything and Mary talks constantly.

While avoiding going home after a day of Christmas shopping, Mary stops off in a coffee shop where she meets an older man and she immediately feels comfortable with him. Around the same time, Lyle meets a woman whose husband is dying and he is immediately attracted to her. But when Mary becomes ill Lyle rediscovers how much his wife means to him.

BUT COME YE BACK by Beth Lordan, tells the life account of the Sullivans in a short story form. Each part of their lives is told as a separate chronicle.

Ms. Lordan does a beautiful job in describing Ireland and the people who live there. In her dialogue, you can hear the characters' lyrical voices. The people who inhabit this book are very accurate. We've all met long-married couples like Lyle and Mary and all the details about them ring true: their arguments, knowing what the other wants before being asked, and the way Mary lovingly notices everything about Lyle, especially his hands.

The numerous secondary characters are just as well thought-out as the Sullivans. The sons, Kevin and Jimmy live in America and we are privy to a bit of what they're going through. Mary's tough, take charge, older sister always sees Mary as the sickly one even though she has been hale and hearty through most of her life.

Laura and Mark, the married couple that Lyle becomes involved with, are written beautifully, especially when we see what their life together is like. The suffering that Mark goes through because of his illness is painstakingly brought to reality and the anguish that Laura goes through dealing with her husband's failing health while at the same time trying to figure out what her life will be like without him, is written with a master's hand.

BUT COME YE BACK is filled with raw emotion, and even though the premise of the book might sound as though it's trite or overly melodramatic, the writing makes that far from the truth. Be prepared for the sorrow in BUT COME YE BACK because it is very poignant. The most important thing to know about this book is that it is beautifully written. Beth Lordan is a spectacular writer. She tells her story simply but with eloquence and the story hits the readers very hard.

I highly recommend this book but be warned, BUT COME YE BACK will affect you long after you finish its pages.

Reviewed by Sharon Katz, December 2003

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