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by Stan Jones
Soho, May 2003
264 pages
ISBN: 1569471525

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Nathan Active is an Inuit who was raised by white adoptive parents in Anchorage. He has become an Alaska State Trooper and been sent to Chukchi, his birthplace. His foster parents made sure that he knew his mother, who had been an unmarried 15 year old when she gave birth to Nathan and realized that she would not be able to raise him. Nathan, at one point says that he is the only person who has to buy 2 gifts on Mother's Day.

He is called in when a man is found, with a bullet in this throat. Shortly thereafter, he finds another man who worked at the Grey Wolf mine, dead, on his snow machine, also with a bullet in his throat. Suicide is not uncommon among the Inuit, but two men dying within a few days of each other in the same way, is strange. Even though he is told to write up his report and forget about the deaths, he persists.

Active is caught between 2 cultures. Born Inuit but raised white, he can't wait to get back to the big city of Anchorage but he realizes that he must do a good job while he is stationed in Chukchi. His investigations lead him to the upper reaches of tribal society. Jones gives a good view of the problems of the native Alaskans, and the differences between white and native society. Nathan is attracted to a local woman but is too shy to approach her until her grandmother pushes them together.

The second book in the series is due out shortly. It will be interesting to visit with Nathan and his family again.

NOTE: The paperback edition is due out in April 2003.

Reviewed by Barbara Franchi, February 2003

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