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by Lydia Adamson
Signet, December 2002
198 pages
ISBN: 0451207599

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Innocently riding the bus to accomplish a shopping venture, Alice Nestleton witnesses murder. Three people were dead and the assailant's cat disappeared.

There were multiple events going on in Alice's life. She had an acting job in a TV series, her boyfriend situation was up in the air and NYPD wanted to talk. Alice is involved with Lester but Tony has surfaced from out of town.

It does seem that Alice does always have one or two men close at hand. Previously, a consultant for the police, she found herself once again employed by them. They wanted her to follow with this very bizarre bus murder.

Trying to put together information to identify the killer, Alice explores every angle. Her friend, Sam Tully, a worn mystery writer, is a great help. He looks at ideas from a different perspective. When someone that Alice knows is in jeopardy, more information is uncovered that allows Alice to see the "real" connection. She and Sam strike out to accomplish their goal.

This book is for the readers who enjoy a determined main character who has taken a little break from cat sitting. Why? She needs to solve a crime.

Reviewed by Rita Ratacheck, January 2003

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