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by Seymour Shubin
Creative Arts Book Co, May 1998
295 pages
ISBN: 0887391567

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Here is an inside look at the psychology of murder. It is also an insider's look at the cynical world of the true crime publishing industry. This novel, for it is fiction, follows the travails of a correspondent in the employ, under various pen names, of several magazines which bill themselves as the tellers of truth, those who purport to reveal and explain the awful crimes that beset our society. It is clear that the author did his research. The narrative is compelling and suspenseful.

The novel is set in a time before television, before the Internet; it was a time when Police Gazette and True Detective, and similar magazines, crowded the newsstands in greater profusion than they do today. Anyone's My Name was written by an author who worked in the true crime magazine business, and the insider views are present throughout the book. The story follows the young correspondent through several changing relationships in his life,in his marriage, with a particular editor, and the subjects of his articles and exposes. Here the reader will watch the protagonist's changing relationships with the police. The novel draws heavily on the technique of interior monologues and is written in a style which reflects the time in which it was originally published, 1953. Yet, it is testament to the skill and ability of author Shubin that the style and language hold up as well today as when the novel was first published.

Anyone's My Name will not please those looking for a quick, summer beach-read, nor those for whom the explosiveness of the action-thriller is required. But for those readers who wish to contemplate the motivations and examine the darker corners of the minds of the murderers among us, here is a novel to be savored.




Reviewed by Carl Brookins, November 2002

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Contact: Yvonne Klein (ymk@reviewingtheevidence.com)

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