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by C. J. Box
G. P.Putnam's Sons, May 2002
272 pages
ISBN: 0399148876

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Joe Pickett is a Wyoming Fish & Game Warden first introduced in C. J. Box's Edgar-nominated work, Open Season. In this second novel, Pickett is sent to investigate an explosion that destroyed several cattle and allegedly killed a radical environmentalist and his newlywed wife. While Stewie Woods and his bride are busy spiking trees, a cow exploded on them leaving chaos everywhere.Ê Yes, you read right ö an exploding cow.


The police are ready to file the deaths as a tragic accident since Woods is known for his publicity stunts. One his most notorious schemes involved unrolling a large canvas on Hoover Dam simulating a large crack while there was a political press conference. The cops are convinced that the activist planted a bomb on the cow and unfortunately it went off. Joe is not thoroughly convinced after the indifference given to him by the cattle owner. He is also troubled by the way his wife, Marybeth reacted when she learned the identity of the victims.Ê Joe does not know that Marybeth shared a connection with Stewie.


The author makes ordinary man, Joe Pickett into an extraordinary man by putting him into extenuating circumstances. A secret conglomerate of ranchers and influential people known as the Stockman Trust have hire a duo of unconventional hit men to eliminate certain environmentalists that might disrupt their plans. Was it not for the arrogance of some the characters, Pickett would have been oblivious to the trustâs conspiracy. Naturally once he learns what the trust represents he is going to do his best in trying to expose them including an unconventional showdown witha mystery ally.


C. J. Box does a good job with integrating environmental issues with a mystery novel. He does that by introducing characters from both sides of the fence. The reader meets colorful activists who believe in their cause and believe there is a conspiracy out to get them. On the flip side we see how the actions of these activists affects the people they are trying to help. We get to see both sides of the story without showing a preference towards either side.


Savage Run is an intense read filled with a lot of suspense and action. There is a chase scene in a canyon that will leave the reader breathless once they finish. The bookâs visual imagery is well detailed putting you inside of the story. His main character, Joe Pickett, is an ever-evolving character that gains confidence throughout each book. He is full of self-doubt except for the love of his wife and family. Like in Open Season he stays true to his beliefs and his moral compass. It is refreshing that the author continues to stay true to his form. We shall see how the next novel Winter Kill will turn out.

Reviewed by Angel L. Soto, September 2002

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