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by Ellen Hart
Minotaur, July 2002
384 pages
ISBN: 0312266766

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Ellen Hart's books are always absorbing and engrossing and this is no exception. It is, however, darker than the earlier books in the series. Jane Lawless is still recovering from being attacked in her home. Not only does she have physical problems, but mentally she is experiencing post traumatic stress disorder. It doesn't help that she is alone in her home.

Now it seems her entire family is under attack. Her father, Raymond Lawless, is a defense attorney. He defended Bobby Alto who was convicted of being a serial arsonist and murderer. Despite appeals, this conviction was upheld and then Bobby was killed in a prison fight. The family blames Ray believing that he did not do his best. Ray is unsure himself. He is growing older and more tired and worries about his relationship with his new wife. Jane's brother, Peter, is also having marital problems and these eventually lead to legal concerns as well. They have all received threatening notes in the form of Tarot cards and Jane feels she must find out who the real arsonist/murderer was to protect her father and brother as well as herself.

The story is compelling and fascinating. It is difficult to put down. We pass from one crisis to another and one danger to the next. The plot is complex despite the fact that it looks like there are only three possible candidates for the murderer. Hart never accepts the easy solution however.

The characters are what make these books so absorbing. We have followed Jane's life as it has gone from that of carefree restaurant owner to troubled and sometimes frightened woman. She is vulnerable and yet she refuses to destroy her life or change those things which are good about it. She is troubled about love. Her first lover died and her second one is gone and she doesn't know what she wants now. Her father and brother are clearly and authentically delineated as well. And what can one say about Cordelia, bigger than life, drama queen if there ever was one, sweeping like a tornado into Jane's life but always caring very much about her. Finally there is a wonderful dog who burrows his way into the hearts of the readers.

The book is well-written. There are none of those sudden things which take the reader out of the story. The story flows smoothly and lucidly building toward the denouement. We take time out for personal stories and we learn more about the main characters. But the suspense builds relentlessly until the final threat becomes real.

I think what I brought away from this book is that vulnerability that all of us possess. We are none of us protected from danger or death or, more frightening to me, malicious evil. Anyone who really wants to destroy our lives can do so especially if he doesn't care what happens to him. More than ever at this time we need to be aware of that and be prepared for it and then hope we never encounter it except in the pages of a novel.

Reviewed by Sally A. Fellows, July 2002

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