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by Lisa Ballantyne
William Morrow, October 2015
414 pages
ISBN: 0062391488

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Margaret Holloway's mind is elsewhere when she leaves her teaching job for home on an inclement evening. She soon finds herself trapped in one of London's worst automobile accidents in history. Trapped in her car and unable to get out, she soon becomes desperate that her car is about to explode. With little expectation of escaping, she is suddenly rescued by a mysterious figure, who risks his own life to save hers, then disappears just as suddenly as he arrived.

Soon after the accident, however, Margaret finds herself on shaky ground, even while trying to maintain her composure and carry on with life as normal. She's haunted by the man who tried to save her, and the accident is bringing up suppressed memories from her childhood, but the picture is unclear. She knows something happened when she was young, but what? And how is this mysterious figure related to that?

She soon tracks her rescuer down to a London hospital where he remains in a coma. Will she ever learn the connection between them? What propelled this man to come to her aid at his own expense?

This thrilling book by Lisa Ballantyne is like a slow burn. Alternating between the past and present, she helps readers peel off the layers of the story to arrive at the truth of why Margaret has been so shaken by the car accident. Memories long tamped down have made their way to the surface.

It's a fascinating psychological journey that is replayed for readers as the past and the present come together in explanation, not only of her own trauma, but that of her family's as well.

§ Christine Zibas is a freelance writer and former director of publications for a Chicago nonprofit.

Reviewed by Christine Zibas, November 2015

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